What are the society awards?

What are the society awards?

Your Students' Union has a series of awards dedicated to involved students and societies, such as the following:
  • Your End of Year Celebration: At the end of every year we'll host a societies celebration event to celebrate all your achievements!
  • Leadership Award: All Society Committee Members are eligible to apply for a leadership award (Bronze, Silver or Gold!).
  • All Society Committee members can work towards Digital BadgesThis link will open in a new tab as part of their roles and responsibilities.
  • Society of the Month: Every month our Society Executive meet to vote on the Society of the month! It's an opportunity to celebrate the success and achievements of a society that shone on a specific month. Students can submit nominations through this form - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mqsYS2U3vkqsfA4NOYr9T80RkPOwjJFMklmho4eH2UVUNjVEMzFSUkhMUThEQ0FTUEVTQUhQR1NOTy4u.
  • Society Excellence Awards: SU Societies are some of the most hard working and successful students on campus and we want to acknowledge the great work they do.

    We have created a Societies Excellence scheme that rewards standards, activities and performance. We want our societies to be rewarded and attain bronze, silver or gold standard.

Students can find more information about Awards and Recognition here - https://www.yoursu.org/activities/societies/awardsandrecognition/.

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