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    • Choose a new Add+

      Thanks for reaching out to us about your Add+vantage. You need to research the available modules and choose three that you would like to join that run in the same semester as your original choice. Find out about the available modules here. Once you ...
    • Where can I find out what societies are active?

      All societies and sports clubs listed on Your Students' Union website are active at the moment and you can purchase a membership if you want to become part of any society. You can find a list of all the societies here - ...
    • When do societies host activities?

      All events and activities organized by Your Students' Union are being posted on the main website under 'Events' -, along with a description of the event. If you are interested in a specific society's events, ...
    • Can I start a society for my course?

      If you are thinking of creating your own society, just follow these simple steps: 1. Check the website for a list of all current societies . Is there one that is the same? 2. If there is… Contact the society and join! 3. If not, complete the new ...
    • What is the societies executive committee?

      The committee is made up of elected and recruited representatives who vote on all things societies. They direct the Students’ Union with society related events and projects. Meetings occur every month and any society member is eligible to put ...